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Body Positivity – A Good Thing or A Hospice for “Correctness”
Does body positivity do more health harm than good in the long run?
Culture Updates
Does body positivity do more health harm than good in the long run?
History’s Bias Appropriation of Skin Tone Skin tone gradient, and by extension, race, ranks atop the subjects we are most ignorant of because it is not taught in school, and…
Prime Narendra Minister Modi’s authoritarian India is now looking like a raggedy knocked-off version of MAGA land with a billion + people. Along with Brazil’s Jair Bolsonario, Prime Minister Narendra…
Ibn Khaldun is largely unknown to us in the West, outside of those who chose Arab studies as a discipline in college or the rest of us who, by one…
A look at black Russians of today
Ramesses III At the Battle of the Delta Ramesses III was the second Pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt. He is thought to have reigned from 1186 to 1155 BC and is considered the…
The story of Solomon and Sheba is well known as one of love and power. When we learn more of the story, we see how much affection and adoration Solomon…
It was tragic to read that the Brazilian National Museum, a place I have visited about three times, had burnt. It was downright heartbreaking to see the videos – as…
Author Malcolm Gladwell gives us his take on what’s behind America’s school shooting epidemic. There is no denying that it is a combination of cultured narcissism – all these platforms for…