Race And Religion
Body Positivity – A Good Thing or A Hospice for “Correctness”
Does body positivity do more health harm than good in the long run?
Race And Religion
Does body positivity do more health harm than good in the long run?
History’s Bias Appropriation of Skin Tone Skin tone gradient, and by extension, race, ranks atop the subjects we are most ignorant of because it is not taught in school, and…
A look at black Russians of today
When we think of the African diaspora, black Russians – the “araps” of the East – remain largely nonexistent to us in the West. They don’t exist. In this, the…
An African American pioneer in the land of the Czars
The African-American legend who conquered Europe
Black suicide in America has historically been lower than whites for all age groups. So what has changed to cause this spiraling black suicides among young kids? A 2018 study…
Race and Mental Illness moved into the spotlight in New York in September 2015 when the story of Kamilah Brock made headlines. Ms. Brock, 36, a black woman living in Manhattan, claimed she was involuntarily committed…
Thomas Linton Metzger, 82 is dead. He is the neo-Nazi former Ku Klux Klansman who later formed the White Aryan Resistance. Metzger’s involvement in the organized white power movement goes…
As night follows day, as the strophe the antistrophe, it is almost a constant to read propaganda and reactionary inventions when one reads the writing of black writers about Africa.…