Wellbeing Hot Topics
Body Positivity – A Good Thing or A Hospice for “Correctness”
Does body positivity do more health harm than good in the long run?
Wellbeing Hot Topics
Does body positivity do more health harm than good in the long run?
Japan’s coronavirus success happened without the extensive lockdowns we saw in other countries. Japan avoided the Coronavirus pandemic’s worst effects – keeping its outbreak relatively small through expert understanding of…
Biology 101 of Virus Mutation The coronavirus mutation in London has set off a race between scientists and journalists to understand the immediate and long-term implications. Charles Darwin told us…
‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ Herd Immunity has never been a valid scientific approach to an impending pandemic. Scientifically, it has generally referred to vaccination objectives.…
Race and Mental Illness moved into the spotlight in New York in September 2015 when the story of Kamilah Brock made headlines. Ms. Brock, 36, a black woman living in Manhattan, claimed she was involuntarily committed…
A few years ago, a picture of a bikini-clad young woman on some famous street (I believe it was the Hollywood Walk of Fame) made the rounds in social media.…
Should big business now have a free hand in further poisoning the American food supply? Although the planet seems to have rid itself of Scott Pruitt, before leaving, he put his Environmental…
With President Donald Trump’s pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords, we joined a distinguished club of countries countable on one hand that now stand as paragons…