Secretary of State Mike Pompeo breaks ranks with Trump this week – finally, now that he’s seeking to secure what is left of his dubious political future tarnished by President Donald Trump. Having told reporters three weeks ago that he was preparing for a “second Trump administration,” Pompeo finally broke with his boss on the issue of Russian hacking. He stepped all over Trump’s do-not-offend-Russia edict on Friday by accusing Russia of the massive hacking of government systems discovered in recent weeks that American officials have called “a grave risk” to the United States.
With grand aspirations for future political offices, the ambitious Pompeo had even downplayed the hacking in recent days as one of the many daily attacks on the federal government. But with courts across the land rejecting Trump’s election challenges within hours of his “legal eagles” filing them (typos and all), January 21, 2021 and a post-Trump future now steer Pompeo straight in the face.
This week, Pompeo broke ranks with Trump and made a U-turn. He is the first Trump cabinet member to put the Kremlin squarely in the bullseye for the cyberattack. It marks a significant departure from the Trump administration’s four-year approach: Do No Evil, See No Evil, and Say No Evil of the Red Hammer and Sickle.
During a conservative radio interview on “The Mark Levin Show, Secretary Pompeo didn’t hold back:
I think it’s the case that now we can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians that engaged in this activity. This was a very significant effort.. We’re still unpacking precisely what it is.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
President Donald Trump has so far been quiet – too busy “krackening” it up with Sidney, Flynn, and Rudy in the Oval Office or otherwise as a “one-club golfer” on and off the course. As Trump pants and plots to overturn the election results, the power of his laughable personality comes into focus. It was only powerful because of the office he held. But as civilian Donald Trump heads to Florida, his power is now a big grifting machine solely to Donald Trump’s benefit.
So, for Pompeo, the writing is on the wall. If not now, When? He needs to leave office with a modicum of credibility. The scale of this hacking is too big to continue to humor a boss, soon to be useless in a matter of weeks. So this might have been Pompeo‘s official raising of the middle finger to his boss. The big rat is finally abandoning the ship before it hits the ocean floor.
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